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Welcome to the vibrant Bioelectronics & Microsystems Laboratory (BML), situated in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at SUNY Binghamton. Our lab is propelled by a deep-seated mission to lead in research that exists at the captivating intersection of engineering, materials science, and biology. Specializing in the design, development, and deployment of BioMEMS, Biosensors, Biobatteries, Green Electronics, and Engineered Living Materials, BML is at the forefront of creating sustainable and transformative technologies.


Latest Top News !!

2024. 3. 26 Dr. Choi has recevied a SUNY Research Seed Grant, $40,000.

2024. 3. 21 Zahra has received the Graduate Student Excellence Award for 2024.

2024. 2. 29 Three papers accepted for presentations at the Hilton Head Workshop.

2024. 1. 21 We successfully made 5 research presentations at IEEE MEMS 2024.

2023. 8. 8 Our lab has received a $400K NSF grant for research on integrated papertronics.

2022. 6. 10 We received the Best Paper Award at Hilton Head Workshop.

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1. Prof. Choi is organizing a special issue of the journal Sensors, delicated to the forefront of innovation in BioMEMS, Biosensors, and Microfluidics. We invite you to contribute your reearch and insight on these dynamic fields.

2. Binghamton University named a top ranked "Public Ivy" School by Forbes.