Two edges - two edges transpositions

Apostrophe means 'turn counterclockwise'. Uppercase letter S means center slide, Sr (or only S) is the slide adjoining face R.
Us,Rs,Ds,Ls,Bs,Fs are abbreviations for UD',RL',DU',LR',BF',FB', Ua,Ra,Da,La,Ba,Fa are abbreviations for UD,RL,DU,LR,BF,FB. The groups of the same length are sorted in alphabetical order. The alphabet is: U²s,U²,Us,Ua,U,U'a,U',R²s,R²,Rs,Ra,R,R'a,R',D²s,D²,Ds,Da,D,D'a,D', L²s,L²,Ls,La,L,L'a,L',B²s,B²,Bs,Ba,B,B'a,B',F²s,F²,Fs,Fa,F,F'a,F'.
Every algorithm is put in its minimum (in alphabetical order) of all its cyclic shifts, inversions, mirrorings and cube rotations.

[P*Q] means the same as P Q P'
[P;Q] means the same as P Q P'Q'

The first column each sequence denotes the number of face moves, the second column contains the number of used faces.

Positions of order 2

U²sR²U²sL² 12 4
U²sRsB²sLs = [S²u;Sr] 12 6
U²R²U²R²U²R² 12 2
U²R²U²RaF²R'a 12 4
U²R²U²L²D²L² 12 4
U²RsB LsBsL Fs 12 5
U²RaBaU²B'aR'a = [U²RaBa] 12 5
U²RaB'aD²BaR'a = U²[RaB'a*D²] 12 6
U²R B R'B'U²L'B'L B 12 4
UsRsUsLsDsLs 12 4
UsR UsF'DsR DsB' = SdB [Sd;B']S'cB' 12 5
UsR U R'F'DsR B U'B' = [Sd;B U B'R'] 12 5
UsR U F'R'DsB R U'B' = [Sd;B U R'B'] 12 5
UaR U R'F'U'aB'U'B L 12 6
UaR'U'R B U'aB U B'R' 12 4
UaR'B'R B U'aF L F'L' 12 6
U R U'R'B R B'U'B U R'B' 12 3
U R U'R'B L U'F'U F L'B' 12 5
U R U'L'U B R'U'L F U'F' 12 5
U R U'B'R F'R B R'U'F R' 12 4
U²R D R'UsR'UaR'D'R F 14 4
UsR DsR B R'B'R'B'R'B R 14 4
UsR B D'B'R'DsB L D L'B' 14 5

Positions of order 4

U²R UsF'U²F'DsR 12 4
U²R U R U RaF'R'F'L' 12 4
U²R U R'B'R²U'R'U B 12 3
U²R U B R B²R'U'B'R' 12 3
U²R U B L U²L'U'B'R' 12 4
UsR U R DsB'U'B' 12 4
UsR U'R DsB'U B' 12 4
UsR DsB UsR'DsB' 12 4
UsR B R B DsL'B'L'B' 12 5
UsR B R B'DsL B'L'B' 12 5
UsR B R'B DsL'B L'B' 12 5
UsR B'R B'DsL B'L B' 12 5
U²R U R B'R'D'R²D B U'R' 14 4

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