In April 2003, Mirek and I were honored when Richard Carr - the master of blindfold cubing - paid a visit to us. I have to tell you that I could never solve the cube blindfolded. I would mess up all the numbers completely. My mind simply does not work this way. I visualize algorithms as "macros" of elementary moves, such as removing a corner, putting a corner back, etc. Richard, on the other hand memorizes the algorithms as symbol sequences. This is quite an advantage for blidfold cubing, I think.
Richard solved the 3x3x3 cube in little over 5 minutes, including memorization and solving. This is the first time Mirek and I have ever seen anybody solving blindfolded. I was VERY impressed, indeed. Actually, during this solve Richard broke his best time. What a way to demonstrate his abilities.
All I could show Richard in return was solving the cube fast - something that nowadays a lot of people can do ...
And then ... it was dark ...
I was very curious ...
I just can't believe this! I could never ever do anything like this. Gosh, he is amazing!
Richard cliking 90 miles per hour on the Oinkleburger.
Almost done ...