Dr. N. Eva Wu, Professor

Ph.D., University of Minnesota, 1987

ES2325, evawu@binghamton.edu

Recent Teaching

1.     Fall 2020, EECE564, Convex Optimization.

2.     Spring 2021, EECE423/509 Power systems ii: protection and control

3.     Fall 2021, EECE519 Control of Networked Systems

4.     Spring 2022, EECE564 Convex Optimization

5.     Fall 2022, EECE462/510 Control Systems II: Sampled Data Systems

6.     Spring 2023, EECE519 Control of Networked Systems

Recently Accepted/Published Papers

1.     Pulse Compression Probing for Tracking Distribution Feeder Models, to appear in Proc. IEEE PES General Meeting, 2023. (Piaquadio, Wu, Sarailoo, and Huang) 

2.     Developments in Robust Topology Detection under Load Uncertainty, Proc. American Control Conference, 2021 (Piaquadio, Wu, and Zhou)

3.     From Static to Dynamic Observability for a Multiple-Model Filter Based Fault Diagnosis Approach, Proc. IEEE PES General Meeting, 2021. (Sarailoo and Wu) 

4.     Robust Topology Detection under Load Uncertainty, Proc. American Control Conference, 2021. (Piaquadio and Wu)

5.     Diagnosis Performance Assessment of the Secondary Protection for a 68-Bus Power System, International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 2020. Vol.35, pp.357-372, 2020. (Salman, Wu, Qin)

6.     Queueing Network Realization of an Epidemiological Model for Efficient Evaluation of Computer Transmitted Infections, Proc. IFAC World Congress, 2020. (Wu, Montague, Van Ornam, Sarailoo, and Bay)

7.     Maximum Tolerance to Load Uncertainty of a Multiple-Model-Based Topology Detector, Proc. IEEE PES General Meeting, 2020. (Sarailoo and Wu)

8.     Dynamics and Protection in Cascading Outages, Proc. IEEE PES General Meeting, 2020, (A.J. Flueck, I. Dobson, Z. Huang, N.E.Wu, R. Yao, G. Zweigle)

9.     Toward a spoof-tolerant PMU network architecture, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, vol. 107, pp.311-320, 2019. (Sarailoo, Wu, and Bay)

10. SA-Based PMU Network Upgrade for Detectability of GPS Spoofing Attacks, Proc. IEEE PES General Meeting, 2019. (Sarailoo, Wu, and Bay)

11. Islanding Detection in Electric Distribution Circuits Using Multiple-Model Filters in the Presence of Multiple Inverters, Proc. American Control Conference, 2019. (Salman and Wu)

12. Resilient PMU Network Design in the Face of GPS Spoofing Attacks, Proc. IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, 2019. (Sarailoo, Wu, and Bay)

13. Inverter-Centric Islanding Detection Using Multiple-Model Filters, Proc. IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, 2019. (Salman and Wu)

14. Transient stability assessment of large lossy power systems, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol.12, pp.1822-1830, 2018. (Sarailoo, Wu, and Bay)

15. Transmission fault diagnosis with sensor-localized filter models for complexity reduction, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol.9, pp. 6939-6950, 2018. (Wu, Sarailoo, and Salman)

16. Unbalanced Fault Diagnosis in Transmission Networks Using Multiple-Model Filters, Proc. American Control Conference, 2018. (Salman, Sarailoo, Wu, and Bay)

17. Cost-effective upgrade of PMU networks for fault-tolerant sensing, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol.33, pp. 3052-3063, 2017. (Sarailoo and Wu)

18. An ellipsoidal expansion algorithm for estimating and representing regions of attraction for large power systems, Proc. 10th International Symposium on Resilient Control Systems, 2017. (Wu, Sarailoo, and Salman)

19. An algorithm for resilient sensor network upgrade with fewest PMUs, Proc. 10th International Symposium on Resilient Control Systems, 2017. (Sarailoo and Wu)

20. Performance analysis of MMF-based transmission fault diagnosis via randomized hybrid simulations, Proc. IEEE PES General Meeting, 2017. . (Salman, Sarailoo, and Wu)

21. Secondary protective control for mitigation of protection misoperations in electric power systems, Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, Special Issue on Wide Area Monitoring, Protection, and Control in Future Smart Grid, vol.4, pp427-439, Terzija and Liu, editors, 2016. (Wu and Qin)

22. A new PMU placement algorithm to meet specified synchrophasor availability, Proc. IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, 2016. (Sarailoo and Wu)

23. Fault diagnosis based on partitioned power system models, 9th International Symposium on Resilient Control Systems, 2016. (Salman, Sarailoo, and Wu)

24. PMU placement for state estimation considering measurement redundancy and controlled islanding, Proc. IEEE PES General Meeting, 2016. (Akhlaghi, Zhou, and Wu)

25. Control effectiveness of FACTS devices in power systems, Proc. American Control Conference, 2016. (Qin and Wu)

26. A multiple model filtering approach to transmission line fault diagnosis, Control Engineering Practice, Special Issue on Industrial Practice of Fault Diagnosis and Fault Tolerant Control, P. Odgaard, C. Aubrun, and M. Blanke, editors, vol. 52, pp.93-102, 2016. (Qin and Wu)

27. Maximally secure mitigation of protection misoperations in power systems, Proc. American Control Conference, 2015. (Wu, Qin, and Salman)

28. Recloser allocation and placement for rural distribution systems, Proc. IEEE PES General Meeting¸2015. (Qin and Wu)

29. A hybrid simulation study on wide=area measurement feedback for enhanced tolerance to protection misoperations, Proc. IFAC Safeprocess, 2015. (Qin and Wu)

30. Recloser and sectionalizer placement for reliability improvement using discrete event simulation, Proc. IEEE PES General Meeting, 2014. (Qin and Wu)

31. On-line impulse response extraction of a power transfer path using pulse compression probing, Proc. American Control Conference, 2014. (Wu and Huang)

32. Minimum cost upgrade of PMU networks for synchrophasor availability, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Systems, vol.24, pp.1341-1360. 2014 (Huang and Wu)

33. Data availability-constrained placement of PMUs and communication links in a power system, IEEE Systems Journal, vol.8, pp. 483-492, 2014. (Huang, Wu, and Ruschmann)

34. Control reconfigurability-based placement strategy for FACTS devices, Proc. 2013 American Control Conference. (Qin and Wu)

35. A new scalable solution to optimal PMU placement under a long-run data availability criterion, Proc. 2013 American Control Conference. (Huang and Wu)

36. Fault-tolerant placement of phasor measurement units based on control reconfigurability, Control Engineering Practice, vol. 21, pp.1-11, 2013. (Huang and Wu)

37. Fault-tolerant control of power systems for security and availability, Proc. American Control Conference, 2012.  (Wu and Ruschmann)

38.  Redundancy architecture design for availability of synchrophasors, Proc. IEEE PES Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, 2012. (Ruschmann, Wu and Huang)

39.  Toward a highly available modern grid, Chapter 10 in Control and Optimization Theories for Electric Smart Grid, A. Chakrabortty, and M. Ilic, Editors, Springer, 2012. (Wu and Ruschmann)

40.  Fault-tolerant sensor placement based on control reconfigurability, Proc. IFAC Congress, 2011. (Huang and Wu)

41.  Sigma-delta control of a biased and initially displaced MEMS microphone, Proc. IFAC Congress, 2011. (Steinmann, Wu, Su, and Miles)

42.  Pulse compression probing for nonlinear systems with additional hard nonlinearities at the input, Proc. American Control Conference, 2011. (M.C. Ruschmann, N.E. Wu)

43.  Probing the NASA Generic Transport Aircraft in real-time for health monitoring, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol.19, pp.1288-1295, 2011. (Wu, Ruschmann, and Huang)

44.  Fault-tolerant control of a hidden Markov process with application to resource allocation in an air operation, in Special Issue on Fault Detection, Diagnosis, and Fault-Tolerant Control, Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, vol.22, pp.12-21, 2011. (Wu and Ruschmann)