Journal Publications
17 |
A. Ibrahim, A. Ramini, S. Towfighian (2017), Experimental and
Theoretical investigation of an impact vibration harvester with
triboelectric transduction, Journal of Sound and Vibration, under
Review. |
16 |
M. Ozdogan, M. Daeichin, A. Ramini, S. Towfighian (2017), Parametric
Resonance of a Repulsive Force MEMS Electrostatic Mirror, Sensors
and Actuators: A Physical, Under Review. |
15 |
W. Yang, S. Towfighian (2017), Internal Resonance and Low
Frequency Vibration Energy Harvesting, Smart Materials and
Under Review. |
14 |
M. Pallay, M. Daeichin, S. Towfighian (2017) MEMS Resonator with
Repulsive Force Actuation, Nonlinear Dynamics, under
revisions. |
13 |
W. Yang, S. Towfighian (2017)
A hybrid nonlinear vibration energy
harvester, Mechanical Systems
and Signal Processing, Vol. 90, pp. 317-333. |
12 |
A. Ibrahim, S. Towfighian, M. Younis (2017)
Dynamics of Transition Regime in Bi-stable Energy Harvesters,
Journal of Vibration and Acosutics, accepted. |
11 |
S. Towfighian, M. Zamanzadeh, M. Daeichin, D. Homentcovschi
(2017) Characterization of MEMS Repulsive Force Actuators, ASME/IEEE Transactions on
Mechatronics, under review. |
10 |
M. Pallay, S. Towfighian (2017)
Parametrically Excited
Electrostatic MEMS Cantilever Beam with Flexible Support,
Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Vol.139, no. 2, pp.
021002 (8 pages). |
9 |
C. Jin, D. Sharifikia, M. Jones, S. Towfighian (2016)
On the
Contact of Micro-/Nano-Structural Interface Used in
Vertical-Contact-Mode Triboelectric Nanogenerators, Nano
Energy, Vol. 27, pp. 68-77. |
8 |
M. Ozdogan, S. Towfighian (2016)
Nonlinear dynamic
behavior of a bi-axial torsional MEMS mirror with sidewall
electrodes, Micromachines, 7(42), 16 pages.
7 |
L. Liu, S. Towfighian,
A. Hila (2015)
A Review of Locomotion Systems for Capsule
Endoscopy, IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering,
Vol. 8, Issue 1, pp. 138-151.
6 |
S. Towfighian,
G. R. Heppler, and E. M. Abdel-Rahman (2012)
Closed Loop MEMS Actuators,
Nonlinear Dynamics,
Vol. 69, Issue 1-2, pp. 565-575. |
5 |
Seleim, S. Towfighian,
E. Delande, E. M. Abdel- Rahman, G. R. Heppler (2012)
Dynamic Analysis of a Close-Loop Controlled Chaotic MEMS
Resonator, Nonlinear
Vol. 69, Issue 1-2, pp. 615-633. |
4 |
S. Towfighian,
A. Seleim, E. M. Abdel-Rahman, and G. R. Heppler (2011)
A large
stroke electrostatic micro-actuator,
Journal of Micromechanics
and Microengineering, Volume
075023 (12 pages). |
3 |
S. Towfighian,
G. R. Heppler, E. M. Abdel- Rahman (2011)
Analysis of a chaotic
electrostatic Micro-oscillator.
Journal of
Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 6, Issue 1, 011001
(10 pages). |
2 |
S. Towfighian,
K. Behdinan, M. Papini, Z. Saghir, P. Zalzal, J. de Beer (2008)
Finite Element Modeling of
low-speed reaming using reamers with irregular tooth spacing.
Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 318, no. 4-5, pp.868-883. |
1 |
S. Towfighian,
K. Behdinan, M. Papini, Z. Saghir, P. Zalzal, J. de Beer (2007)
Finite Element Modeling of low
speed reaming vibrations with reamer geometry modifications.
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Vol. 18, no. 6, pp.647-661. |
Conference Proceedings and Abstracts
15 |
D. Sharifikia, C. Jin, S. Towfighian (2016) Predicting the
output of a triboelectric energy harvester undergoing mechanical
pressure, Sep 28-30, 2016, Stowe, VT, USA, SMASIS 2016-9157. |
14 |
W. Yang, S. Towfighian
(2016) Performance of a bi-stable resonator with random input
vibrations, ASME
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences,
Aug 21-24, 2016, Charlotte, NC, USA,
DETC 2016-60324, 7 pages. |
13 |
M. Ozdogan, S.
Towfighian (2016)
A MEMS Microphone using repulsive force
sensors, ASME
International Design Engineering
Technical Conferences, Aug
21-24, 2016, Charlotte, NC, USA, DETC 2016-60171, 13 pages. |
12 |
W. Yang, S. Towfighian (2016) Nonlinear Vibration Energy
Harvesting based on Variable Double-Well Potential Function,
Proc. SPIE.
9799, Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems
2016, 979902, 10 pages, (April 15, 2016) doi: 10.1117/12.2218077. |
11 |
A. Ibrahim, S. Towfighian, M. Younis, Q. Su (2016)
Beam with Extended Polymer for Low Frequency Vibration Energy
Proc. SPIE.
9806, Smart Materials and Nondestructive Evaluation for Energy
Systems 2016, 98060B,15 pages (April 01, 2016) doi:
10.1117/12.2219276. |
10 |
L. Liu, S. Towfighian,
Z. Jin (2015)
A Cylindrical Triboelectric Energy Harvester for
Capsule Endoscopes, Proceedings of the
IEEE Biomedical Circuits and
Systems Conference (BIOCAS), Oct. 22-24, Atlanta,
Georgia, pp. 49-52. |
9 |
Zhou, R. Miles, S.
Towfighian (2015) A Novel capacitive sensing principle for
microdevices , Proceedings of ASME
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and
Computers and Information in Engineering Conference,
Aug 2-5, Boston, MA,
DETC 2015-56554, 6 pages. |
8 |
S. Towfighian,
S. He, R. Ben Mrad (2014) A Low voltage electrostatic micro
actuator for large out-of-plane displacement, Presented at the
Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and
Information in Engineering Conference, Aug 17-20,
Buffalo, NY, Published in
Proceedings of ASME IDETC,
DETC 2014-34283. |
7 |
S. Towfighian,
M. Ozdogan (2014) Static modeling of a bi-axial micro-mirror with
sidewall electrodes, Proceedings of
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition,
Nov 14-20, Montreal, QC, Canada, IMECE 2014-38834. |
6 |
Q. Dong, Y. Chen, and S.
Towfighian (2014) MEGA: an Energy Aware Algorithm for
Self-Powered Wireless Sensor Networks in Sustainable Smart
Infrastructure, The 2nd Workshop on Green Broadband Access: Energy Efficient
Wireless and Wired Network Solutions- IEEE GolbeCom, Austin,
Texas, Dec. 12, 2014. |
5 |
S. Towfighian,
A. Seleim, E. M. Abdel- Rahman, G. R. Heppler (2010)
validation for an extended stability electrostatic actuator,
Presented at the
Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and
Information in Engineering Conference,
Aug 15-18, Montreal, QC,
Published in the
Proceedings of ASME IDETC,
Vol. 4, pp. 631-638. |
4 |
S. Towfighian,
G. R. Heppler, E. M. Abdel- Rahman (2010)
A low voltage
controller for a chaotic micro resonator, Presented at the International
Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and
Information in Engineering Conference,
Aug 15-18, Montreal, QC,
Published in the
Proceedings of ASME IDETC,
Vol. 4, pp. 639-644. |
3 |
S. Towfighian,
G. R. Heppler, E. M. Abdel- Rahman (2009) Quadratic controller
for a chaotic micro-resonator. Presented at the
2nd Microsystems
and Nanoelectronics Research Conference, Oct 14, Ottawa, ON,
Published in the Proceeding
of MNRC, pp. 69-72. |
2 |
S. Towfighian,
E. M. Abdel-Rahman, and G. R. Heppler (2008)
Static and dynamic
analysis of a bi-stable micro-actuator, Presented at the
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition,
Boston, MA,
Oct 31- Nov 6, Published in the
Proceedings of ASME IMECE,
Vol. 13, pp. 421-431. |
1 |
S. Towfighian,
E. Abdel- Rahman, G. R. Heppler (2008) Simulation of the Static
Response of a Chaotic Micro-actuator,
The Mechanics Conference,
May 29-30, Blacksberg, VA. |
Last Updated: July 1, 2014 |