Pretty Patterns
This is the largest collection of pretty patterns that is known to me.
It has been compiled by Mirek Goljan, who is also the author of most
of the moves. Significant contributions were made by Peter Nanasy,
Michael Reid, Mark Longridge, Hans Kloosterman, and others.
Notation and terminology
Regular patterns
- Semi-ornaments
- Letters on all faces
- U's ornaments
- U's semi-ornaments
- Supplements of the U's (Czech check problem)
- T's simple patterns
- H's
- J's ornaments
- Supplements of the J's
- I's semi-ornaments
- K's
- Supplements of the K's
- L's
- 6 L's from Q2
- 6 L's from Q1
- Regular ornaments
- Regular ornaments -supplements
- Specials
Semi-regular patterns
- Semi-regular ornaments
- Semi-regular ornaments - supplements
- Ornaments composed from U2, U3 or U4
- Semi-regular semi-ornaments
- Even positions
- Odd positions
- Cyclic patterns
- Three-color regular patterns
- Three-color regular ornaments
- More-color regular patterns
- More-color nonregular patterns
- Flips and twists
Patterns possible by disassembly
- Ornaments
- Regular semi-ornaments
- Semi-regular semi-ornaments
- Cyclic patterns
- Simple patterns
- One little square of opposite color
- Two little corner squares of opposite color
- Odd simple patterns
The usual notation U, R, D, L, B, F is extended to slice and antislice
Us,Rs,Ds,Ls,Bs,Fs are slice moves UD',RL',DU',LR',BF',FB'.
Ua,Ra,Da,La,Ba,Fa are antislice moves UD,RL,DU,LR,BF,FB.
Sr, Sl, Sf, Sb, Su, Sd are the center slice moves adjoining faces R,L,F,B,
[P*Q] means the same as P Q P'
[P;Q] means the same as P Q P'Q'
Lowercase letters u,r,d,l,b,f represent twists of the whole Cube, so that
u = UsSu, r = RsSr and so on. For example dFR'U = LF'Ud = LF'U.
Character ^ represents mirroring (usually R<->L).
Here is Mirek's classification of two-color patterns which he introduced
in 1982.
- 1. Ornaments
- A typical example of an ornament is "cube in cube". Colors of the faces
are mixed: (U->R->F)(D->L->B). Axis of each pattern goes through the
corners URF and DLB. In order to desribe ornaments in a short, symbolic, form
the following notation is introduced:
- D is an exchange of the centers (F,U,R) (L,D,B)
- V are twists of the corners FUR+ and LDB-
- S is a permutation of the edges (FU,UR,RF)
- S' is a permutation of the edges (LB,BD,DL)
- L is permutations of the edges (FU,FR,UR) (LB,LD,BD)
- O is a permutation of the corners (FUL,URB,RFD)
- O' is a permutation of the corners (LBU,BDR,DLF)
- H is a permutation of the edges (UL,RB,FD)
- H' is a permutation of the edges (UB,RD,FL)
- 2. Semi-ornaments
- Every face has at most two colors which are mixed: (F<->R)(B<->L)(U<->D)
- D is an exchange of the centers (FR)(BL)(UD)
- W are flips of the edges FR and BL.
- O is an exchange of the edges FL and RB.
- R is an exchange of the corners FRU and RFD
- R' is an exchange of the corners BLU and LBD
- K is an exchange of the corners FLU and RBD
- K' is an exchange of the corners FLD and RBU
- S are permutations of the edges FU, FD, RU, RD
- S' are permutations of the edges BU, BD, LU, LD
- D is used to shorten the notation. [D] = [WORR'KK'S(14)(23)S'(14)(23)]
- The alphabetical order of letters is: D,W,O,R,K,S.
- Patterns containing all of R, R', K, K', S, S' are mostly denoted as
[D...]. You should use mirroring (F<->R) to get K rather then K' and S(1..
rather then S(3.. or S(2.. .
- 3. Cyclic patterns
- Every face has at most two colors which are mixed: (F->R->B->L)(U<->D)
- 4. Simple patterns
- Every face is a simple two-color combination of colors from opposite faces
of the Cube: (U<->D)(R<->L)(B<->F)
- 5. Specials
- Other permutations of colors, for ex. (F->L->U->B->R->D) or (F->B->L->R) (U<->D)
Regular patterns are patterns which have all faces of the same look except for
coloring and mirroring.
F U L'B°L F²D'F D F L'D'L F L'D B°L U'F' |
21,20 |
[OKS(14)S'(23)] |
2 peaks |
° can be replaced by the same but otherwise
arbitrary exponent |
U F'D'L B²L'D F D L²U'aF²D'F²L² |
21,16 |
p117 Improve RCC 3.9.36 |
(K) |
D U²F²D²sR²sB²R²sD |
20,11,8 |
[RR'KK'] |
crosses |
D R²sDaRaF²sRaU |
16,12,10 |
D RsFaL²F'aLsD'aL²U |
16,14,12 |
U'R'F'U'R²sD B R'L²D²B²D²sB²U' |
22,16,14 |
[ORR'KK'S'(12)] |
p147 ML's 6 ARM Pattern |
(K) |
R U'F R'B'D²R'U'BsLsD B L U'R'U'F U'Ls |
23,22,19 |
[DK] |
MG.1982 |
RaB'D'aL'R²D²F²R F'aU'F²R²U D²L² |
25,18 |
p68 Cherries |
(K) |
D'F²DsB²RsU RsB'R²B LsU RaB²U |
24,20,16 |
[DOS(23)S'(14)] |
(R²D L²)^4 Ds |
22,14,10 |
[RR'KK'S(1342)S'(13)] |
p163 4 ARM Full |
Letters on all faces
The U's - ornaments
BsU F'LsD F'U'BsR |
12,12,9 |
U1 = [DH] |
P.Nánásy |
F'R²D'RsF RaF D B LsU'F' |
16,15,13 |
U2 = [DL] |
E.V.Chacøn |
U B U'LsDsBsD R'UsB U'B' |
16,16,12 |
U3 |
MG.1983 |
B R D'R FsD'RsF UsL'F U'L' |
16,16,13 |
MG.1982 |
L D BsR'F L'F'DsR F R'D' |
14,14,12 |
U4 |
MG.1982 |
R B'LsD U²BsR'L²DsF D' |
16,14,11 |
R B²F UsL'FsU RsB'F²D' |
16,14,11 |
L'F'aR'DsB R F LsD'L D |
14,14,12 |
U5 |
MG.1982 |
The U's - semi-ornaments
R'aB²RaD'aL BsD'B²D FsL'D² |
20,17,15 |
U6 [0+0] |
MG.1982 |
B LsD'LsB²RsD'LsF'aD²sFDs |
22,19,13 |
U'LsF'UsL²B²L'BsD B² |
16,13,10 |
U7 [4+0] |
MG.1983 |
F'L'FsR'F'D'F R BsL B L²BsD' |
18,17,14 |
MG.1982 | |
B F²D²BsR'BsL'F DsR'F RsB'R |
20,18,14 |
U8 [2+2] |
MG.1982 |
R'F²LsD²B RsF L UsB'L'BsR'B |
20,18,14 |
U9 [3+1] |
MG.1982 |
L'B'LsF'L'UsB L FsR F U²FsR² |
20,18,14 |
U10 [1+3] |
Supplements of the 'U's
Here are some positions with exactly 8 squares correct on every face. The
remaining positions are discussed in the article "A Czech Check Problem" by
Michael Reid, Cubism For Fun 36, Feb 1995.
LsF L'FsU F'U'BsR |
12,12,9 |
DU1 = [H] |
R D'LsF'RsD LsF L' |
12,12,9 |
F'R²D'RsF RaF D F UsL'U' |
16,15,13 |
DU2 = [L] |
MG.1982 |
F L F'RsD R'UsB U'B' |
12,12,10 |
DU3 /E5/ |
MG.1983 |
U L B'D BsR'FsD BsR'F L'U'=(ULB'DBsR'FL'U')² |
16,16,13 |
MG.1982 |
L U B'D BsR'FsD BsR'F U'L'=(LUB'DBsR'FU'L')² |
16,16,13 |
MG.1982 |
U L'DsF'UsL DsF D' |
14,14,12 |
DU4 |
MG.1983 |
UaL'DsF'UsL DsF D² |
14,13,10 |
DU5 |
D'R'aD'RsF R F LsD'L D |
14,14,12 |
MG.1982 |
The T's - simple patterns
R²U²R²U²R²FsU²Fs |
16,10,8 |
T-ordinary |
MG.1982 |
L²D²R²D²L²FsU²Fs |
16,10,8 |
MG.1982 |
L²D²B²D²F²L²B²U²B²U² |
20,10 |
p97 6 T's A |
FaU²FaR²D²R²U²R²B² |
18,11,10 |
T-orthogonal |
MG.1982 |
F²D²R²U²B²D²B²R²B²D² |
20,10 |
The H's
R²BsR²sBsL² |
12,8,5 |
H1. - simple pattern |
L²(U²F²s)²L²F²s |
20,10,7 |
p174 6 H order 2 type 1 |
FaR²F²sD²sL²F'a |
16,10,8 |
H2. - simple pattern |
RaDaRaD²sRaDaRa |
16,14,13 |
R²B²U²R²L²U²F²R² |
16,8 |
p175 6 H order 2 type 2 |
R'aUaR²sF²sUaRa |
16,12,10 |
p175a |
R²F²sR²D F²sU²R²sD |
20,11,8 |
H3. - semi-ornaments |
U²R²sD F²sR²F²sR²U |
20,11,8 |
R²sU'F²sL²F²sL²D |
18,10,7 |
H4. - cyclic pattern |
D'L²F²sL²F²sD R²sDs |
20,12,8 |
R²sD'FsR²BsRsB²RsU |
18,14,9 |
H5. - specials |
D²R²F²U'F²sD R²sF²L²D² |
22,12,10 |
The J's - ornaments
F'R²D'RsF RsF D'R²D F'L²F D'R²D²B LsU'F' |
28,23,20 |
MG.1982 |
U'R B'R'U R'D²F U F U'F'D'U²BsLsD F |
22,20,18 |
U4V |
MG.1997 |
R'U'B L'B'L²U R U'L'U L D BsLsU'L F'L²F |
24,23,21 |
U4V |
MG.1997 |
R²F'D'F²L F'R F R'aF'D B LsDsF'U² |
22,19,17 |
U5V |
MG.1997 |
R²F'D'F²L F'L DsBsL D'aR'B R B'U²
| 22,19,17 |
U5V |
MG.1997 |
R'B'L²U'F'U L'B R²B'L'B R DsBsL Da |
22,20,18 |
U5V |
MG.1997 |
R²F'D'R'D F L'F'aR F R'B RaU'BsL Da |
22,21,20 |
U5V |
MG.1997 |
Supplements of the 'J's
R²U²B'U R B DaR B R'B'D'aR'B'U F²D'F²R² |
26,21 |
LV |
MG.1997 |
U'R B'R'U R'D²F U F U'F'D²U'R U |
18,16 |
DU4V |
MG.1997 |
R²F'D'F²L F'R F R'aF'D F D'R² |
18,15 |
DU5V |
MG.1997 |
The I's - semi-ornaments
The K's
There are 5 "K"-ornaments that can be obtained as a composition of "U"-
ornaments and crosses-ornaments. Another 5 "K"-semi-ornaments can be obtained
as a composition of "U"-semi-ornaments and crosses-semi-ornaments, and 2
"K"- simple patterns can be obtained from the one-edge-little-square simple
D'aFsD²BsUsFsD²Bs |
BsU²FsR²U²R²U²R² |
composed with a chessboard simple pattern.
Supplements of the 'K's
D'L'DsF R D'LsB L'R²B'UsR²DsB'R²D²R UsLsD'F' |
32,28,22 |
[DLHH'] |
The L's - simple patterns
The first 14 types are members of the square group Q2. I tried to get
algorithms minimal in q-moves and using a square group method too.
Next 10 types are members of the group Q1. Q1 contains simple patterns
which are not achieveable by square moves. For example
U'F R F²R'F'U²R'F'R²F R U' |
16,13 |
U'F R F²R'F'U²F R F²R'F'U' |
16,13 |
U'R F'R'F R F'R'F R F'R'F U |
14 |
Q0 is the group generated by [F²,R²,B²,L²,U²,D²,(FUL,FDR)(FL,FR)].
Q0 consists of all positions whose colors of faces are two-color combinations
of opposite faces of the Cube: (FB)(RL)(UD).
Q2 is the group of positions generated by [F²,R²,B²,L²,U²,D²],
It includes the three-cycle of edges R²U²L²B²R²U²L²F² , E2+2 L²F²L²D²F²L²F²D².
Q1 is a group of positions generated by [F²,R²,B²,L²,U²,D²,(FUL,BUR,FDR)] - Q2,
Q3 = Q0 - Q1 - Q2 are odd positions. For example
D'F²U L²U'F²D'R²U F²U'R²D |
19,13 |
This pattern is not pretty one, of course |
6 L's from Q2
There are four groups of relative 6L patterns (14=1+1+4+8). A short
bridges of the type X²Y² exist between the members of the group.
The first of them has the most interesting symmetries.
UsBsR²FaD'aF'aD²Fa |
16,14,12 |
L1 |
MG.1982 |
F²L²B²U²L²D²L²U²B²U²B²R² |
24,12 |
p176 6 L |
FaL²F'aR²UsBsR²F'aUs |
18,15,12 |
L2 |
L²D²B²D²B²L²B²L²B²D²R²U² |
24,12 |
MG.1997 |
F'aD²BsLsD²Ra |
12,10,8 |
L3 |
MG.1982 |
R²D²R²F²R²F²R²F²D²F²R²s |
24,12 |
MG.1997 |
F²sL²D²L²B²L²F²L²F²D²B² |
24,12 |
MG.1997 |
F'aUaL²DsBsR² |
12,10,8 |
L4 |
MG.1982 |
R²D²R²F²R²F²R²F²D²F² |
20,10 |
MG.1997 |
R²U²L²B²L²B²L²B²U²F² |
20,10 |
MG.1997 |
FaD²BsLsU²R'a |
12,10,8 |
L5 |
MG.1982 |
R²D²R²F²R²F²R²F²D²B² |
20,10 |
MG.1997 |
R²U²L²B²L²B²L²B²U²B² |
20,10 |
MG.1997 |
FaUaR²DsBsL² |
12,10,8 |
L6 |
MG.1982 |
F²sL²D²L²B²L²F²L²F²D²F² |
24,12 |
MG.1997 |
R²D²R²F²R²F²R²F²D²B²R²s |
24,12 |
MG.1997 |
{L3} + R²s = {L4}, {L3} + F²s = {L6} |
{L4} + F²s = {L5}, {L4} + R²s = {L3} |
{L5} + R²s = {L6}, {L5} + F²s = {L4} |
{L6} + F²s = {L3}, {L6} + R²s = {L5} |
FaD²L²Fa |
8,6 |
L7 |
MG.1982 |
U²B²R²B²U²B²D²F² |
16,8 |
MG.1997 |
D²F²L²B²U²B²U²B² |
16,8 |
MG.1997 |
FaD²L²FaD²R² |
12,8 |
L8 |
MG.1997 |
U²B²R²B²U²B²D²F²D²R² |
20,10 |
MG.1997 |
B²L²U²L²BsD²Fa |
14,9,8 |
L9 |
MG.1997 |
D²F²R²D²F²D²F²D²F²D² |
20,10 |
MG.1997 |
FaD²L²FaU²L² |
12,8 |
L10 |
MG.1997 |
U²B²R²B²U²B²D²F²U²L² |
20,10 |
MG.1997 |
D²F²R²D²F²D²F²D²F²R² |
20,10 |
MG.1997 |
DsR²sDsF'aU²R²Fa |
16,12,9 |
L11 |
MG.1997 |
U²B²D²sR²F²D²F²D²F² |
20,10,9 |
MG.1997 |
DsL²UsFsR²F'aD² =
L²UsB²RaF²R'aD'a |
14,11,8 |
L12 |
MG.1997 |
U²B²D²sR²F²D²F²D²F²D²R² |
24,12,9 |
MG.1997 |
U²B²R²B²U²B²D²F²D²R²U²s |
24,12,9 |
MG.1997 |
LsU²sLsF'aU²R²Fa =
BsD²RsF²U²F²R'aFa |
16,12,9 |
L13 |
MG.1997 |
B²L²B²L²B²D²R²sF²R² |
20,10,9 |
MG.1997 |
DsR²UsBsR²F'aU² =
R²UsF²RaF²R'aDa |
14,11,8 |
L14 |
MG.1997 |
= FaR²F'aR²UsF²Ua =
FaR²F'aUaR²UsF² |
14,11,10 |
MG.1997 |
D²F²R²D²F²D²F²D²F²R²U²s |
24,12,9 |
MG.1997 |
{L7} +D²R²={L8}, {L7} +U²L²={L10}
{L8} +R²D²={L7}, {L8} +L²U²={L9}, {L8} +U²D²={L12}, {L8} +F²B²={L8}^
{L9} +D²R²={L10},{L9} +U²L²={L8}
{L10}+R²D²={L9}, {L10}+L²U²={L7}, {L10}+U²D²={L14}, {L10}+F²B²={L10}^
{L12}+R²D²={L11},{L12}+L²U²={L13},{L12}+U²D²={L8}, {L12}+F²B²={L12}^
{L14}+R²D²={L13},{L14}+L²U²={L11},{L14}+U²D²={L10}, {L14}+F²B²={L14}^
In this group ^ means F<->B symmetry.
A schema of short bridges:
Connections between L3, L4, L5 and L6 are of the type F²B².
Connections between L7,L8,L9,L10,L11,L12 and L13 are of the type
F²R² and F²B².
R²s / \
L3 --- L4 = L8 - L9 -L10 =
F²s | | F²s U²D² | | U²D²
L6 --- L5 =L12 -L11 -L14 =
R²s \ /
= ... F²B² bridge to its own mirroring
Now let us consider bridges of the type F²R²sB². In this way, we
get connections between L1, L2.
{L1} + U²R²sD² = {L2}
{L1} + F²U²sB² = ru{L2}
{L1} + R²F²sL² = dl{L2}
{L1} + D²R²sU² = {L2}
{L1} + B²U²sF² = ru{L2}
{L1} + L²F²sR² = dl{L2},
/ | \
L2 L2 L2
| \ | \ | \
L2^ L2^ L2^
\ | /
° ... center of the cube symmetry (FB)(RL)(UD)
We also get new connections between L3,L4,L5,L6.
{L3} + D²R²sU² = {L5}^ (F<->B mirroring)
{L4} + D²R²sU² = {L6}^ (F<->B mirroring)
{L5} + D²R²sU² = {L3}^ (F<->B mirroring)
{L6} + D²R²sU² = {L4}^ (F<->B mirroring)
{L3} + F²R²sB² = {L6}^ (R<->L mirroring) L3 L4
{L4} + F²R²sB² = {L5}^ (R<->L mirroring) | X |
{L5} + F²R²sB² = {L4}^ (R<->L mirroring) L6 L5
{L6} + F²R²sB² = {L3}^ (R<->L mirroring)
{L7} + L²F²sR² = {L9}^ (F<->B mirroring)
{L11}+ L²F²sR² = {L13}^ (F<->B mirroring)
{L7} + F²U²sB² = rr {L9} {L9} + F²U²sB² = rr {L7}
{L8} + F²U²sB² = rr {L8} {L10}+ F²U²sB² = rr {L10}
{L11}+ F²U²sB² = rr {L13} {L13}+ F²U²sB² = rr {L11}
{L12}+ F²U²sB² = rr {L12} {L14}+ F²U²sB² = rr {L14}
About inversions:
{L1}' = {L1}^ any mirroring along axis FRU--BLD
{L2}' = {L2}^ (B<->U)(F<->D)
{L4}' = {L4}^ (F<->R)(B<->L) {L3}' is not 6 L's
{L5}' = f²u{L5} {L6}' is not 6 L's
{L7}' = {L7}^ (R<->U)(L<->D) {L8}' is not 6 L's
{L9}' = {L9}^ (R<->D)(L<->U) {L10}' is not 6 L's
{L11}' = {L13}^ (F<->B)(R->U->L->D) {L12}' is not 6 L's
{L13}' = {L11}^ (F<->B)(R->D->L->U) {L14}' is not 6 L's
U R²U R²D²F²D R²F²U²F²U²F²D' |
24,14 |
L'9 |
MG.1997 |
U R²U'B²D²L²U'F²U'F²D²B²D²F² |
24,14 |
MG.1997 |
D²F²L²U²D B R B²R'B'D²R'B'R²B R D |
24,17 |
L'10 |
MG.1997 |
{L'4} = {L'3} + RsF²LsD² f²d{L'4} = {L'4} + UsB²DsL²
{L'5} = {L'3} + UsB²DsL² f²d{L'5} = {L'4} + BsU²FsR²
{L'6} = {L'3} + BsU²FsR² f²d{L'6} = {L'5} + BsU²FsR²
{L'9} = {L'8} + LsD²RsF² f²d{L'9} = {L'10} + RU²sL²U²sR
{L'10} = {L'8}+ FsL²BsD² f²d{L'10} = {L'10} + DsL²UsB²
f²d{L'10} = {L'6}+ R²F²R²F²R²F²
About inversions:
{L'1}' = {L'1}^ any mirroring along axis FRU--BLD
{L'2}' = {L'2}^ (F<->R)(B<->L)
{L'3}' = {L'3}^ (F<->R)(B<->L)
{L'4}' = {L'6}^ (F<->R)(B<->L)
{L'5}' = {L'5}^ (F<->R)(B<->L)
{L'6}' = {L'4}^ (F<->R)(B<->L)
{L'7}' = {L'7}^ (F<->R)(B<->L)
{L'8}' = {L'9}^ (U<->D)
{L'9}' = {L'8}^ (U<->D)
{L'10}'= {L'10}^ (F<->R)(B<->L)
There are two cases for the 6L's with respect to the corners:
a) the two opposite corners are in place (L1,L2,L7,L9,L11,L13),
b) the two adjoining corners are in place (L3,L4,L5,L6,L8,L10,L12,L14),
Only two types have the same orientation for all L's (L1,L6).
Regular ornaments
F D R D'L'D R'D'F'R'F L F'R |
14 |
[V] |
L'D R'D'L D F L F'R F L'F'D' |
14 |
[V] |
R'D²R B'U²B R'D²R B'U²B |
16,12 |
[V] |
LsF L'FsU F'U'BsR |
12,12,9 |
[H] |
R D'LsF'RsD LsF L' |
12,12,9 |
[H] |
L'DsB D B'UsR D'Ls |
12,12,9 |
[H] |
LsF²R²D'FsU'F²sDFsDR²F²Rs |
24,18,13 |
[SS'] |
MG.1982 |
R²F LsF RsU'F'U'F'RsU LsU R² |
20,18,14 |
[HH'] |
MG.1983 |
R'B L B D'B D FsL'B²F U F'U'F'R |
18,17,16 |
[HH'] |
Nánásy.1983 |
U'L'F L'F'R'F LsF'L F R F'R U |
16,16,15 |
[OO'] |
MG.1982 |
U'R F'R'F L F'RsF R'F'L F L'U |
16,16,15 |
[OO'] |
Nánásy.1982 |
U L D R²U R U'R B'D B'D'B²D'L'U' |
18,16 |
[VH] |
MG.1997 |
R U'R B'D B'D'B L B'U R'U R U²B²R²L'U |
22,19 |
[VSS'] 2 peaks |
MG.+JF. |
R U'R B'D B'D'B L²U²F U F'U L'B R²L'U |
22,19 |
[VSS'] 2 peaks |
MG.+JF. |
? |
[VHH'] |
L²R'F D²L'F'RsFsL F U²L'B F² |
20,16,14 |
[VOO'] crosses |
MG.1997 |
= C.ful.C', C = L²R'F D²L'F'Rs |
derived from p1 |
R'F²sR²U²sL'BsL'F²sL²U²sR'Fs |
28,18,12 |
[VOO'] |
MG.1983 |
R'F²sR²U²sL'BsR'F²sR²U²sL'Fs |
28,18,12 |
[VOO'] |
B'L F'L F R'F'L F R B'R'B R F'LsB'R B²L F L' |
24,23,22 |
[VOO'] |
MG.1982 |
F R²sFaR²sF L B²sRaB²sL U²s |
28,18,13 |
[VOO'] p101 (Plummer's Cross) |
(K) |
? |
[SS'H] |
U'F²U R U²R²U²R'F'R²F U'F²U |
20,14 |
[HOO'] |
MG.1982 |
B'L'D L'D'L'F LsF'L F R F'L B |
16,16,15 |
[HOO'] |
MG.1982 |
D L'B R D'R'D B'L B R'B'R D' |
14 |
[HOO'] p87 Twisted Cube Edges |
Regular ornaments - supplements
R'D²R B'U²B R'D²L DsBsR'F²L |
20,16,14 |
[DV] |
MG.1982 |
U L F R'DsBsR'D R'D'F'R'F L F'R |
18,18,16 |
[DV] |
MG.1982 |
BsU F'LsD F'U'BsR |
12,12,9 |
[DH] |
B R B'R²U'F'L U R D L U'B'L U L² |
18,16 |
[DSS'] p86 Twisted Rings |
LsF²R²D'FsU'F²sD LsDsB²F'U²R²Us |
28,21,15 |
[DSS'] |
B'R'U'LsF R U²F R BsU'F'L' |
16,15,13 |
[DHH'] snake |
R. Schoof |
= C.u.C'^, C = B'R'U'LsF R U |
U B²L D FsL'DsRsF'D²R' |
16,14,11 |
[DHH'] p121 Improve RCC 3.9.31 |
U'R F'R'F L F'DsBsL U'R'D R D'F |
18,18,16 |
[DOO'] |
Nánásy |
U'R'DsBsL D'R'U'R DsR'D R U R'U F |
20,20,17 |
[DOO'] |
MG.1982 |
U L D R²U R U'L DsBsR'B L'B'L²B'D'F' |
22,20,18 |
[DVH] |
MG.1997 |
L F L D'B D L²F²D'F'R U'R'F²D |
18,15 |
[DVSS'] (cube in cube) |
= C.rf.C^, C = L F L D'B D L²F' |
U²F²R²U'L²D B R'B R'B R'D'L²U' |
20,15 |
[DVSS'] p7a |
(K) |
F U²F'R'F²R²F'R U L D F'D'R²L'U'F U²F' |
24,19 |
[DVSS'] |
MG.1982 |
F R B'L B R DsL'F'L UsB'R B R'U'R'U R'F' |
22,22,20 |
[DVSS'] |
MG.1982 |
U F D'F²D F'R'F²R U'aB'U B²U'B L B²L'D |
24,20 |
[DVSS'] |
U F'U²B U B'U²F U'LsB D'B²U B'U'B²D L' |
24,20,19 |
[DVHH'] |
L²R'F D²L'F'DsBsD R F²D'L R² |
20,16,14 |
[DVOO'] p1 6 X of order 3 |
= C.urb.C', C = L²R'F D²L'F'Ds |
R'F²sR²U²sR'DsBsU'R²sU²F²sD'Ls |
30,20,13 |
[DVOO'] chessboard |
FsR²sU B²sU²R²sU L'U²sR²B²sL'Bs |
32,20,13 |
[DVOO']p1a |
RsF'DsB'D²sF DsBaDsF D²sB'DsB'Ls |
28,24,16 |
[DVOO'] |
MG.1982 |
? |
[DSS'H] |
B'L'D L'U'BsLsU'R DsR'D R U R'D L |
20,20,17 |
[DHOO'] |
MG. |
LsDsBsLs = DsBsLsDs = BsLsDsBs |
8,8,4 |
[D] |
R'DsBsLsD = U'BsLsDsB = F'LsDsBsL |
8,8,5 |
[D] |
L DsBsLsU'= D BsLsDsF'= B LsDsBsR' |
8,8,5 |
[D] |
F RsU²F²sU'aFsL'U R²sU²F²sD |
26,18,13 |
chessboard of order 6 |
(K) |
p2 6 X of order 6 |
Semi-regular ornaments
R'F'L BsD'F'D FsL'F²R |
14,13,11 |
[S] |
(easy) |
R U²L'UsB U'B'DsL U'R' |
14,13,11 |
[S] |
U F'U'F U RaU F U'F'R'aU' |
14 |
[S] |
R F²B'D'S'fD²SfD'B F²R' |
16,13,11 |
[S] |
R U F'U²sB U'B'U²sF R' |
16,12,10 |
[S] p196 |
D R B'L²B R'B'L²B D' |
12,10 |
[O] |
(easy) |
D'L B²L'F'L B²L'F D |
12,10 |
[O] |
R'U F²D'F'D F²U'F R |
12,10 |
[SO] |
(easy) |
R'F²L'D'L F'L'D L F'R |
12,11 |
[SO] |
R'F'L F'D'F'D F L'F²R |
12,11 |
[SO] |
R'F'L BsD'F'D B'L'B L F L'B'F²R |
18,17,16 |
[SO'] |
MG.1982 |
D L U'F'L'B'U B L F R²B'R'B R'aD' |
18,17 |
[SO'] |
MG.1997 |
U R'F²R F D'F²D F'U' |
12,10 |
[HO] |
(easy) |
U F R'F R F D'F'D F²U' |
12,11 |
[HO] |
U'L²D B'D'L D B D'L U |
12,11 |
[HO] |
FsU'RsU'R²sD RsU Bs |
16,14,9 |
[SH] |
MG.1982 |
B²R U²B²L'B'L B'U R'U B² |
16,12 |
[VS] |
JF.1982 |
B²R U'R B'R'B²U'B'U R'U B² |
16,13 |
[VS] |
B²F'U F U'R U'B U'B'U R'U B² |
16,14 |
[VS] |
B²F'U F U'R U'R'U R'F R F'B² |
16,14 |
[VS] |
B'L F'L²FsR'B R F'LsB'R B²L F L' |
20,18,16 |
[VO] |
MG.1982 |
F D R D'L'B'U'B D B'U B R'D'F'R'F L F'R |
20 |
[VO] |
LsU FsD F²sU'FsU'F L'FsU F'U'BsR |
24,22,16 |
[SHH'] |
MG.1982 |
R U F'U²B U'FsD F'U²F D'R' |
16,14,13 |
[SOO'] |
Nánásy.1982 |
R'F'L F'D'F'D L'B L F L'B'F²R |
16,15 |
[SOO'] |
MG.1982 |
R'F²L'D'L F²B D B'D'FsL B L²D L F'R |
22,19,18 |
[SS'O] |
MG. |
R'D B D B R'U²R B'D'R²B'D'R |
16,14 |
[SOH] |
MG.1982 |
R'D B R'U'B L U²L'B'U R'B'D'R |
16,15 |
[SOH] |
U'FsUsR F²R'DsR'B R²F'R U |
18,16,13 |
[SOH] |
R'F'L FaD'F D FsL'U F²U'R |
16,15,14 |
[SO'H] |
Nánásy.1982 |
R'F'L BsD'F'D B'L'F U F U'F R |
16,16,15 |
[SO'H] |
Nánásy.1982 |
B D L'D²R D'FsUsR U'L²U L'D' |
18,16,14 |
[VSH] |
MG.1982 |
R'D'R²B R'F'R B'R²F R'D R F R F' |
18,16 |
[VSO] |
MG.1982 |
? |
[VSO'] |
BsR'D B²D'R F²sU L'B²L U'Bs |
20,16,13 |
[OHH'] |
B²D L'F'D²F L D'L'D F L²F'D'L B² |
20,16 |
[OHH'] |
B²D L'F'D²L'F U L²U'F'L F L D'B² |
20,16 |
[OHH'] |
MG.1983 |
B D R'B'D L F'D'L B²L'D F L D'B R D'B' |
20,19 |
[OHH'] |
D'L F R U²L U²R²U²L'U R²U R'F'L'D |
22,17 |
[VHO] |
MG.1982 |
Semi-regular ornaments - supplements
R F²B'D'BsRaDsF'R²L U' |
16,14,12 |
[DS] |
MG.1982 |
B'D L²D'R'D L²U'BsLsD L |
16,14,12 |
[DO] |
MG.1982 |
D'L B²L'F'L B²R'DsBsL B |
16,14,12 |
[DO] |
MG.1982 |
R'U FaLsDsF'R'B R²F'R U |
16,15,13 |
[DSO] |
MG.1982 |
R'F'L F'D'F'D F R'DsBsRaU |
16,16,14 |
[DSO] |
MG.1982 |
R'F'L BsD'F'D B'L'B L F R'DsBsR U |
20,20,17 |
[DSO'] |
MG.1982 |
U R'F²L DsBsL B'R²B R'F' |
16,14,12 |
[DHO] |
MG.1982 |
U R'F²R B LsDsF'R²B R'F' |
16,14,12 |
[DHO] |
MG.1982 |
FsU'RsU'R²sD²U'BsLsF Ls |
20,17,11 |
[DSH] |
MG.1982 |
BsLsD U²RsU'R²sD RsU Bs |
20,17,11 |
[DSH] |
MG.1982 |
B²R U²B²L'B'L F'LsDsB U'F L² |
20,16,14 |
[DVS] |
MG.1982 |
B²R U²B²R'DsBsR'D L'F U'F L² |
20,16,14 |
[DVS] |
MG.1982 |
B'L F'R'aDsBsU'L U R'DsL'U L²D R D' |
22,21,18 |
[DVO] |
MG.1982 |
F²L'F R UaF'aRaD'L D'L²R'U²F²L |
22,18 |
p20 Mark's Pattern 1 |
(K) |
LsU FsD F²sU'FsU'F R'DsB R'F'LsU |
24,22,16 |
[DSHH'] |
MG.1982 |
R'F'L F'D'F'D L'B L F R'DsBsR U |
18,18,16 |
[DSOO'] |
MG.1982 |
? |
[DSS'O] |
R'BsL F²R'DsR'B R²F'R U |
16,14,12 |
[DSOH] |
Nánásy.1982 |
U'B L B L U'F²U L'B'U²L'F'LsDsB |
20,18,16 |
[DSOH] |
MG.1982 |
R'F'L B²LsDsF'R B RsD'F R²F'U |
20,18,15 |
[DSO'H] |
Nánásy.1982 |
D L B'L B L U'F L'F'L'U L'D' |
14 |
[DVSH] |
MG.1982 |
D L U'L²U L'FsL F'L²B L'D' |
16,14,13 |
[DVSH] |
MG.1982 |
R'D'R²B R'F'R B'R²F R'D L DsBsL U R |
22,20,18 |
[DVSO] |
MG.1982 |
R'D B D L'FsU B U'BsLsU²R B'D'R²B'D'R |
24,22,19 |
[DVSO] |
Nánásy.1982 |
? |
[DVSO'] |
B'L²F L'D'B'U RsB'D F D'B L B L'B D |
20,19,18 |
[DOHH'] |
MG.1982 |
? |
[DVHO] |
Ornaments composed from U2, U3 or U4
D F'UsL'DsF UsL²F'L DsF'LsD BsR'D B'R' |
26,25,19 |
[DU3U4] |
U L F'L DsF'LsD BsR'D LsU'L'U'F'aU'BsL F²U |
28,27,22 |
[DU2U3]=[LU3] |
Semiregular semi-ornaments
Even positions
RsD²F R²DsB²R BsD²L²U F²sU' |
24,17,13 |
[WOS(1324)S'(14)(23)] |
(K) |
p138 Mark's Pattern 5 |
D'F'D F DsB L'D L UsB'D'B R'F'D'F'D |
20,20,18 |
[WORKS(14)] |
MG.1982 |
B R D²L'D R²D'L D²R'B R²B² |
18,13 |
[WRR'] |
U'F²U F²R'B'U'F²sD B L'F²U'R²D |
22,16,15 |
[WRR'S(1423)S'(1423)] |
p158 Mark's Pattern 14 |
U'B²RaU²R'B'U L'B UsR'B U'R B'DsB²R²U |
26,22,20 |
[WS(14)S'(23)] |
Walker |
B'U'FaR U'R²U R'F'aU B |
14,13 |
[OKK'S(14)] |
B'D'RaB L'F²L B'R'aD B |
14,13 |
[OKK'S(14)] |
L'DsF D'R²D F'UsL |
12,11,9 |
[ORKS(14)] |
D R²U'aF'aR²FaR²U |
14,11 |
[RK] |
D R²sU²B D²R²sU²F D |
18,11,9 |
[RK] |
p181 Mark's Pattern 18 |
R'(D B D'B')^3 R |
14 |
[RR'] |
FaR²sF'aU'F²UaF²U D² |
18,13,12 |
[RR'S(14)(23)] |
D'F²D'aR²sB²R²sD²U |
18,11,9 |
[RR'S(14)(23)] |
D FaR²F'aD²R'aB²RaD |
16,13 |
[RR'S(14)(23)S'(14)(23)] |
4 T's type 1 |
Nánásy.1982 |
D'B²RaF²UaB²U'aB²R'aD |
18,14 |
[RR'KK'S(14)S'(23)] |
(F²U F²sU B²)²Us |
22,14,10 |
[RR'KK'S(1342)S'(24)] |
p163 4 ARM Full |
U'L'B'U'R²sD F L'R²D²F²U²sF²U' |
24,16,14 |
[RR'KK'OS(12)] |
p147 ML's 6 ARM Pattern |
(K) |
U RaF²R'aU' |
8,7 |
[RKS(14)(23)] |
D FaR²F'aD' |
8,7 |
[RKS(14)(23)] |
U R'aB²RaU' |
8,7 |
[RKS(14)S'(23)] |
D F'aL²FaD' |
8,7 |
[RKS(14)S'(23)] |
U'R F²sL²F²sR'U |
14,9,7 |
[RKS(14)S'(14)] |
D L²D'aBaL²B'aL²U = D'RaB²R'aB²UaB²U' |
14,11 |
[RKS(23)S'(23)] |
U'R²UaR²D' |
8,6,6 |
[KK'S(14)(23)] |
D'F²DaR²sB²R²sU' |
16,10,8 |
[KK'S(14)S'(23)] |
U'FaR²F'aU²R'aF²RaU' |
16,13 |
[KK'S(14)(23)S'(14)(23)] |
4 T's type 2 |
Nánásy.1982 |
RsDsR UsF²LsD = SrSfD SbD²SlD |
12,11,7 |
[S(13)S'(24)] |
(U L²B²R²D)²L²R²B²F² |
24,14,12 |
[S(13)(24)S'(12)(34)] |
p165 2 Swap, 4 H full |
D'R²F'aD²FaR²F²D |
14,10 |
[S(14)(23)] |
D F²R²F²D²R²F²R²D |
16,9 |
[S(14)(23)] |
D'R²FaU²F'aR²F²D |
14,10 |
[S(14)S'(23)] |
Sf²Sr²D Sf²D²Sr²D |
20,11,7 |
[S(13)(24)S'(13)(24)] |
Sr²Sf²D Sf²D²Sr²D |
20,11,7 |
[S(13)(24)S'(13)(24)] |
U'R²UaR²sD'aL²U |
14,10,9 |
[S(14)(23)S'(14)(23)] |
(D R²U )^4 |
16,12 |
p162 2 X, 4 H full |
(F²sD F²sU)² |
20,12,8 |
[S(134)S'(134)] |
p170 2 edge swap + 2 H |
R'B R²L'DsFsU RsB'D'L'D Rs |
18,14,11 |
[DS(14)] |
RaF²sR'aDs |
10,8,6 |
[DWO] |
(D R²FaU)^3 U²sR²U²sL² |
30,21,19 |
p178 2L, 2 Fours, 2 arm |
D'L²FaD²F'aL²D²sF²U²D' |
20,13,12 |
[DWOS(14)(23)] |
U²F²D²U²F²Da = U F²U²D²F²D²U |
12,7 |
[DWOS(12)S'(12)] |
U F²D²sF²D²U |
12,7,6 |
[DWOS(14)S'(14)] |
F²U²RsD²sLsU²B²Us |
18,12,8 |
[DWOS(12)(34)]S'(12)(34)] |
U²F²R²sD²R²sD²F²Da |
20,11,9 |
[DWOS(12)(34)]S'(12)(34)] |
B'U'R F'U RsB'U R'B U'RsFaUs |
18,18,15 |
[DO] |
R D'B L'D F²sU'R B'U L D²sR²Us |
22,17,14 |
[DO] |
U R'B'U'F²sD B L'D F²R²F²U'F²D' |
22,16,15 |
[DORR'] |
(K) |
p93 Mark's Pattern 2 |
R F U FsR'F'R F'R DsB'L'R²D'F' |
18,17,15 |
[DOS'(143)] |
MG.1982 |
D R²UsB²R²B RsD'R²D LsB'U' |
20,16,13 |
[DOS(14)S'(14)] |
MG.1981 |
D R²UsB²U'R²B RsD'R²D LsB' |
20,16,13 |
[DOS(14)S'(14)] |
p81 Snake type 1 |
D R²UsB'LsB'R'B RsD'R D B'U' |
18,17,14 |
[DOS(14)S'(14)] |
MG.1981 |
D R²UsB RsB R B'LsU R'U'B U' |
18,17,14 |
[DOS(14)S'(14)] |
MG.1981 |
F²sLsB'DsL²F²L'FsU B²D' |
20,15,11 |
[DS(13)(24)S'(13)] |
(K) |
p146 Mark's Pattern 9 |
Odd positions
R D'L²B L B'L U²R'F R U²D R' |
17,14 |
[OK] |
R²F²D F D'F L²B'U B R²s |
17,12,11 |
[KS(14)] |
L²F L'D'L F'L'D F'D'F'D F L' |
15,14 |
[KS(14)] |
L F'D'aF D F'U F²D'F D F'L' |
15,14 |
[KS(14)] |
F²D F²D L²D F²D'F²D'L²D²F²D'F²D' |
25,16 |
[KS(14)] |
R²U'F'U F'L²B D'B'L²F²R² |
17,12 |
[KS(13)] |
F'D'F L²B'U B L²F²D F² |
15,11 |
[KS(12)] |
RaDaR'D'R U'R²D R'D'Rs |
15,14,13 |
[KS(23)] |
D²B²R²D'R'D R'B²L U'L'D² |
17,12 |
[RS(13)] |
U²F²L²D'L'D L'F²R U'R'U² |
17,12 |
[RS(13)] |
U R'F R'B'R'B R'F'U'R U R'U² |
15,14 |
[RS(13)] |
U R'B U'B'U'B U R U R'B'R U² |
15,14 |
[RS(13)] |
U²L²U B²U'B²D L²D'B²D B²U² |
21,17 |
[RS(1324)] |
R D'F²D F'R F UsF DsF'R²D F D'R D F'D' |
23,21,19 |
[ORKK'S(14)(23)] |
MG.1983 |
D'RaB²L'U'aL²B L B'L U²R'F R DsR'D |
23,20,19 |
[ORR'K'S(23)S'(14)] |
MG.1983 |
F²D²sF R'D R²D'R F'U R²U²R²D²F² |
25,16,15 |
[ORR'K'S(23)S'(14)] |
(K) |
p119 Mark's Pattern 3 |
R U'F R'B'D²R'U'BsLsD B L U'R'U'F U'Ls |
23,22,19 |
[DK] |
Cyclic patterns
R²sU F²sU²R²sD'F²sD² |
22,12,8 |
crosses |
R²sD²F²sD R²sU²F²sU' |
22,12,8 |
crosses |
U R²sU'R²sU²R²sD'R²sU' |
22,13,9 |
crosses + 2 X's |
R'B'RsF'R'SdR F LsB R |
14,14,11 |
4 U's |
MG.1981 |
F R'B'D²L'UsB D²R F L' |
14,12,11 |
p112 4 U order 4 |
R'B'RsF'R'U R F LsB R |
13,13,11 |
4 T's |
MG.1981 |
R²sF²sD'F²sR²s |
17,9,5 |
4 Y's |
D R²sDsR²sU'a |
13,8,5 |
4 Y's + 2 X's |
FsL F²L²UsB U²RsB²D L²U' |
20,15,12 |
p114 3 ARM Order 4 |
U'B'R'U F'UsL U'F R'U R²sD'L²D |
20,17,15 |
4 X's & 2 K's |
(K) |
p122 Mark's Pattern 4 |
D'R F R'F²B L D'F U L'B R²sF²R |
20,16,15 |
4 O's & 2 K's |
p144 Mark's Pattern 7 |
Three-color regular patterns
R²sUsRsBsUs |
12,10,5 |
blossomes |
B R'D²R D'B²D R'D²F²R U'B²U R'F²R F (F) |
24,18 |
6 Stripe type 1 |
U F B R DsRsD'R'aB R²D²R²B²R |
21,17,15 |
p120 6 Stripe (1) |
L U R'B²R B'U²B R'B²D²R F'U²F R'D²R U'R |
26,20 |
6 Stripe type 2 |
RaD R'aD F'aU'FaRaU'R'aD'F'aD Fa |
22 |
diagonals (4 Peak flip) |
U'F²L²B²D²F²R'UaF'LsBsR U' |
21,16,14 p69 |
Tetra Peak exch |
(K) |
30,30,26 |
giant meson 1 |
L D R²D'L²U B'D'B D'R'D R DsL D'B²D |
22,19,18 |
giant meson 2 |
some about g. meson 1 |
some about g. meson 2 |
RaDaR'aF'aDaFa |
4 Peak flip + 4 twists (Pinwheels) |
U'L'B L'B'L'D²U'FsRsF'U F D F'U B |
20,19,17 |
[D'HOO'] (see [HOO']) |
LsD L'DsF D'B'RsD²U' |
14,13,10 |
[D'H] |
F R²sU²sF²B'R²U F²sR²sU²D'L² |
28,16,12 |
p82 8 Crn Twist 1 |
U R U'R D²B²U'L'D R FsUaL²U²sB² |
24,18,16 |
[DV]+chessboard s.p. |
(K) |
p125 ML's Multicolor 1 |
B²D'F²U'L²D²F²U'F R B U²F²R F²D FsU'F' |
28,20,19 |
Triple Threes |
(K) |
U B²D'L²F²R²U'B U'L D F²L U'B'F'R²U'F² |
26,19,19 |
Orthogonal bars |
(K) |
UsRsFsU L UsB'DaB'D²sF U²R U²sL'D²U |
30,24,18 |
(similar to [D'HH'] |
Three-color regular ornaments
B'L'D L'D'L'F R FsUsF'D'F RsU'F B²D |
22,21,18 |
[D'OHH'] (see [OHH']) |
B²R²D²R²B'D²B'L²F U²L'D L D²R'F L²F²D B' |
30,20,20 |
Treep's Skein |
(K) |
U²B'D²B'U²B²U²B'D²B R²L B R D'R F²D U²R B |
30,21,21 |
Z-snake type 1 |
(K) |
More-colored regular patterns
F²D'F²L²U'F²R²F²D F'U²LsFsU Fs |
25,18,15 |
Perry's Pinwheel |
(K) |
D²B²R²F²R²D²U L²F²D RaF'L F'aD'B²L²U' |
30,20,20 |
Six L's - 6 colors |
(K) |
U²L²U L²D'L²U B²U'F'aRsF'D²L²U'B'D B |
27,20,19 |
Two diamonds |
(K) |
More-colored nonregular patterns
B R'D²R D'B²D R'D²F²R U'B²U R'F²R B' |
24,18 |
4 Stripe |
D RaD²F LsBsR'D'aB U²RsB² |
20,17 |
p92 4 Stripe (Full) |
R'B'L²BD'R²D B'L²U²B U'R²U B'U²B R |
24,18 |
4 Stripe + 2 X's |
MG.1982 |
R²F²U'L²U²F²U'F²L²F²R'F R²B L F'R²B'R D²R² |
33,21,21 |
Four T's |
(K) |
R'U'B'R²B R B U'FsU F'L'F'L²F U L |
20,18,17 |
2 Peak twist |
MG.1983 |
U R'F'R²F D R U'R D'R²L'U'RaFaU'F'a |
22,20 |
3 Peak twist |
MG.1982 |
Flips and twists
(U R'F R )^5 |
20 |
p171 6 Edge Flip |
(F R'D'R)^3 (L'B D B')^3 |
24 |
6 flip |
(RaUaFa)² |
12 |
8 edge flip |
R U'R²U'R U'aR U'R'D²R'U'R U'a |
18,16 |
p183 6 Twist |
U F²L F²sU²sR'L²B²U²D'F²sR²s |
28,16,12 |
p155 8 Crn Twist 2 |
(K) |
(L R²F²B')^4 |
24,16 |
p156 8 Crn Twist 3 |
RaD²B'L²F²R²DsR'D²F'aD'F²D'R²U'F²D' |
28,20,19 |
p3 12 flip |
(K) |
D F²U'B²R²B²R²L B'D'F D²F B²U F'RaU²F' |
28,20 |
p6 12 flip, 8 twist |
(K) |
FsR UsB²R²B'LsF²sU'F²D'F²sD'R²D' |
28,20,15 |
p139 6 X + 12 flip |
(K) |
B'L D L F'U'aL B'D'F'RsF'UaL²UaB² |
22,20,19 |
p139a |
(K) |
F R'DsR'B D'F²R²L F R'B'L D²B²U'R²sD'R²s |
30,22,19 |
p141 Superfliptwst + 6X |
(K) |
F R L²U'R²L'U'D²R²F D B D F²U'R'D'F²D²L² |
28,20 |
p141a |
(K) |
Patterns possible by disassembly
U L U L'U'F L'U'F'U'F'U L U L²U'F'L' + FLU+ |
19,18 |
2 Peak exch |
MG.1983 |
R'D²B²L B L'B D'R D' + BDR- |
12,10 |
1 Peak twist |
MG.1982 |
R'D R'B U'B U B²R²D' + BDR- |
12,10 |
MG.1982 |
R'D R'B R B²D B D'R D' + BDR- |
12,11 |
JF.1983 |
R'D R'B R B'R D'R F'R'F + BDR- |
12 |
MG.1982 |
F D'F'D R'D B'D B D'R D' + BDR- |
12 |
MG.1982 |
U'R D BsR'U'L Ds + (UR,LF+) |
10,10,8 |
3 U's + 3 O's |
MG.1982 |
L'UsL'U R FsD'R'U B + (UF,BL+) |
12,12,10 |
3 U's + 3 O's |
MG.1982 |
D'R'aD RsF'aUsR FaL + (UR,BD+) |
14,14,12 |
3 U's + 3 O's |
MG.1982 |
F U RsB'D'F'RsF'LsD F + (RD,RF) |
14,14,11 |
6 U's type 1 |
MG.1982 |
U'F U RsB'D'F'RsF'LsD F R + (UR,FR) |
16,16,13 |
6 U's t2 |
MG.1982 |
U'F U RsB'D'F'RsF'LsD F R + (UR+) |
16,16,13 |
3 U's + ring |
MG.1982 |
Regular semi-ornaments
L D R²D'L²B'D'B UsR'D R DsL D'B²D +(LDF,LFU) |
22,19,17 |
cube within a cube |
Semiregular semi-ornaments
R F U F²U'R'F' + (FD,RD+) |
8,7 |
[VRKS(14)] |
U'B²L'F D'F'L B²R U R + FU+ |
13,11 |
[VRS(14)] |
F²R'D R D'R F²D R'D'R' + (FD,RF) |
13,11 |
[RS(14)(23)] |
F²R'D R D'R F²D R'D'R' + (FD,FR+) |
13,11 |
[VRS(14)(23)] |
R F U F²U'R'B'D'F'D BsR'F R + FD+ |
16,15,14 |
[VRKS(14)(23)] |
D²F UsL'D²L²FsU²D FsL' + (BL,DL) |
18,14,11 |
[D] |
R'F L DsBsD LsB'U'R'U Ls + (DF,UL) |
16,16,12 |
[D] |
Cyclic patterns
19 |
O's |
MG.1982 |
B'D R D'RsF R'F'R'F'UsL B R + (BU,LU) |
16,16,14 |
O's |
MG.1982 |
F L B UsR'U'B'U FsR'B R F'L' + (BU,LU) |
16,16,14 |
O's |
MG.1982 |
R'B D F'RsU F'D'F'D'LsB U F + (LU,LB) |
16,16,14 |
O's |
MG.1982 |
Simple patterns
It is quite a qood excercise to try to get back the Cube from these positions.
The number at each sequence means a number of 'long moves' like Fs,R²,Da.
Three characters in the column 'position' describe what you can see on faces
F,R,U. Only position with O,H,I,X,+,_ on all faces, where O,I,+ occur in pairs,
(in parentheses in the column 'position') are possible.
| slice moves | position |
R²D'sR²sD'sL² |
6 |
(H,H,H) |
FaR²F²sD²sL²F'a |
8 |
(H',H,H) |
R²sF²sD²s |
6 |
(X,X,X) |
RsFsRsFsRsFs |
6 |
(X,X,X) |
RsF²sD²sRs |
6 |
(X,X,X) |
R²sF²R²sB² |
6 |
(_,_,H) |
D²RsF²sR'sU² |
6 |
(_,_,H) |
DaF²sD'sF²sD² |
7 |
(_,_,X) |
R²sF²R²F²sR²F² |
8 |
(_,_,X) |
R²sD'sF²sD's |
6 |
(O,O,_) |
RsD'sF²sD'sR's |
6 |
(O,O,_) |
D²FsD²sFsD² |
6 |
(O,O,H) |
D²R²sF²sD² |
6 |
(O,O,X) |
R²F²DsF²sDsB²R² |
8 |
(H,H,_) |
RaD²sR'aF'aD²sFa |
8 |
(H,H,_) |
(F²B²R²L²U²)² |
10 |
(H,H,_) p160a |
D²sRsF²sR's |
6 |
(H,_,H) |
F'sR'sFsR'sF'sRs |
6 |
(H,_,H) |
FsD²F²D²sF²D²Fs |
8 |
(_,H,H) |
R²B²R²sB²L² |
6 |
(I,I,_) |
R²s |
2 |
(I,_,I) |
R²F²R²sF²R² |
6 |
(_,I,I) |
U²RaD²sRaD² |
6 |
(_,I,I) |
R²F²sR² |
4 |
(I,I,H) |
R²FsD²sF'sR² |
6 |
(I,H,I) |
DsFaD²sFaDs |
6 |
(I,H,I) |
RaD²sRa |
4 |
(H,I,I) |
R²B²DsF²sD'sB²R² |
8 |
(H',I,I) |
F²D²R²sF²sU²B² |
8 |
(H',I,I) |
R²sF²s |
4 |
(I,I,X) |
RaD²sRsD²sR² |
7 |
(I,X,I) |
R²FaR²sFaR² |
6 |
(X,I,I) |
R²sDsR²sDs |
6 |
(H,H,X) |
RsFsR²sFsRs |
6 |
(H,H,X) |
R²F²sD²sL² |
6 |
(H,X,H) |
R²F²sR²F²D²sB² |
8 |
(X,H,H) |
DsRaU²R'aD'sF'aU²Fa |
8 |
(+,+,_) |
FaUaR²sUaFaU²s |
8 |
(+,+,_) p16a |
R²F²R²DsF²R²F²Us |
8 |
(+,+,_) p16c |
R²D²sF²D²sF²R² |
8 |
(+,+,H) |
D²sR²D'sR²sD'sL² |
8 |
(+,+,H) |
R²sD'sR²sDs |
6 |
(+,+,X) |
RsF'sR'sFsRsF's |
6 |
(+,+,X) |
R²F²R²sF²L²D²s |
8 |
(X,X,_) |
D²sR²F²sR² |
6 |
(X,X,H) |
RaD²R'aFaD²F'a |
6 |
(U,U,_) |
RaD²R'aF'aU²Fa |
6 |
(U,U~,_) |
D'aB²DaL²D²R² |
6 |
(U,U',_) |
R'aD²RaF²D'aR²DaF² |
8 |
(Z,Z,_) |
R'aD²RaF²DaR²DaB² |
8 |
(Z,Z',_) |
R'aF²D'aL²DaF²RaD² |
8 |
(Z',Z',_) |
D'R'aD RaU²R'aD'RaD' |
9 |
(Z',Z',_) |
F²sDaF²sD'a |
6 |
(_,H,X) |
R²sF'aD²sF'a |
6 |
(_,H,X) |
L²F²R²sF²D²sL² |
8 |
(H,X,_) |
DaF²sD'a |
4 |
(_,O,I) |
D²R²sU² |
4 |
(O,_,I) |
U²R'sD²sRsD² |
6 |
(_,O,+) |
F²R²sF²R²s |
6 |
(_,I,+) |
F²R²DsR²sD'sR²B² |
8 |
(I,+,_) |
DsF²sDs |
4 |
(H,O,I) |
D²R²sF²sD²F²s |
8 |
(O,H,I) |
D²R²sU²R²F²sL² |
8 |
(O,I,H) |
F²RaD²sRaF² |
6 |
(H,I,O) |
RsF²D²sB²R's |
6 |
(H,O,+) |
DaF²D²sR²sB²Da |
8 |
(O,+,H) |
R'sD²sRs |
8 |
(H,I,+) |
R²F²sD²sL²D²s |
8 |
(+,I,H) |
RsU²F²D²sF²U²R's |
8 |
(+,I,H) |
R²D'sR²sDsR² |
6 |
(I,+,H) |
R²F'sR²sFsR²D²s |
8 |
(+,H,I) |
R²sF²D²sB² |
6 |
(X,O,I) |
F²U²F²sU²R²sB² |
8 |
(X,I,O) |
R²F²sR²F²D²sF² |
8 |
(X,O,+) |
FaR²sFaR²s |
6 |
(X,I,+) |
DsFaD²sFaD's |
6 |
(X,+,I) |
F²L F²U²sB²R B² |
14,8 |
4 T's |
F²L B²U²sF²R B² |
14,8 |
4 T's |
One little square of opposite color
RsU²RaFaU²F'aR² |
14,11,10 |
[E4] |
L²D S²rD²S²rD L² |
16,9,7 |
[E4] |
D²F²U²L²F²L²U²F²L²D² |
20,10 |
[E4] |
RaD'aB²D'aR²D²Ls |
14,11,10 |
[E6] |
U R²F²sL²D'BsL²BsD² |
18,12,9 |
[E6] |
F²U²L²D²F²L²F²D²F²U²F²L² |
24,12 |
[E6] |
B²U²R²B²R²B²L²B²U²B²R²s |
24,12 |
[E6] |
B²U²B²L²B²R²B²R²U²B²R²s |
24,12 |
[E6] |
R D'L B L²D²R F R'D²L B'D R' |
17,14 |
[C2E2] |
D'L²F²U F²U'F²L²U'L²D F²D'L²D |
23,15 |
[C2E2] Domino alg. |
U R'F'R²F R U²R'F'R²F R U |
16,13 |
[C3] |
Two corner little squares of opposite color
RaD²B²D²B²D²LsB²L² |
18,11,10 |
[C3+3] |
FaU²FsR²U²R²U²R²F² |
18,11,10 |
[C3+3] |
F²D²R²D²F²D²F²R²F²D² |
20,10 |
[C3+3] |
D'aFsD²BsUsFsD²Bs |
16,14,9 |
[C2+4] |
R²F²D²R²F²D²R²F²D² |
16,14,9 |
[C2+4] |
BsU²FsR²U²R²U²R² |
16,10,8 |
[C6] |
U²R²U²F²U²F²R²F²U²F² |
20,10 |
[C6] |
Odd simple patterns
F'D²R²F R F'R U²L'B L D²sF D² |
21,15,14 |
R B'D RaD'L'D R'D²L D'L'D B R'D² |
19,17 |
F²R²U²F²R²U'R²D²B²U'L²U²L²B²U |
27,15 |
p123 Cube in a cube 2 |
Algorithms signed (p..) where .. replaces a number were taken from Michael
Reid's PATTERNS.TXT - August 24, 1996.
Algorithms with (K) as the author were probably produced by a computer program
based on Kociemba's 2-step algorithm. The authors of those algorithms are
not known to us. Please, if you know who obtained those algorithms for the
first time, let us know. Thank you.
Algorithms signed (MG.) are Mirek Goljan's results, JF. denotes Jessica Fridrich.